Having Fun With Formatting: All Work And No Play

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”– Jack Torrance The Shining 

Today’s post is brought to you by the most relatable axe wielding murder to grace the silver screen… Jack Torrance from Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”

This happy and very sane fellow!

In addition to being a deranged lunatic Jack is, like myself and some of you, an aspiring writer. He takes a job at the remote Overlook Hotel to escape the distractions of modern life and finally finish his novel. 

Unfortunately a mixture of cabin fever and malevolent spirits in the hotel convince him to ditch the novel and try to kill his family instead. 

The extent of Jack’s insanity is revealed when his wife Wendy discovers that his novel is merely the sentence “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” written on hundreds of pages.

A detail I love is that the formatting on each page is different. It seems in the midst of his madness Jack took the time to play around with the formatting. Once a writer always a writer! 

On the day I completed this challenge we were still waiting on the results of the US presidential election. An event so exacerbating that it makes Jack Torrance’s lunacy relatable. 

In an attempt to retain my sanity and avoid Jack’s fate I created my own “one sentence” novel; formatted in a few different ways. I hope it brings some much needed sanity to your day!

The Screenplay
The Pyramid
The Ol’ Off The Rails Jack