A mindful mantra for the lost souls who’ve fallen off the wagon. For the ones who’ve started a noble goal, stumbled, and now must dig themselves out of the muck.
This game of pick me up may daunt you. Don’t let it. When the struggle jets in, all you need to remember is “simply begin again.”
Simple. Because we complicate the matter. We pummel yourself for failing; rehash harmful stories about who we are and what we’re capable of. We mistake a mere slip up with a referendum for ourselves and our work. There is no referendum, just a choice: will you simply begin again?
Begin. Because the mere awareness of our lapse allows us to start afresh. We now have the opportunity to refocus. Realign ourselves with what we know we must do: simply begin again.
Again. Because we all fall. Again and again. This will not be the last time. To fail is to be human. Our existence blunder upon blunder. The only choice we have is will we stay down or simply begin again.
And it is a choice. One we must continually make. Life is lived moment to moment. Breath by breath.
But it is a choice we can make and remake at anytime: no moment better than the next. All it takes is the peace and resolve to:
Simply Begin Again